I got into the habit of picking up myself when I have fallen you've showed me that I walk in this path alone These tears that I've cried trying to get you to understand me ended up watering my skin and building the foundation to love myself again I got into the habit of knowing my worth it came from losing myself with you and crying for you to love me crying for you to care and take me into consideration Telling you, yelling at you to care as much as I do turned the do to a did and I started loving myself the way I begged you to love me "Don't do what you don't want done to you" That's what everyone grows up on knowing That's what allowed me to grow pure and loving To give 110% in anything I run into But with you I gave 150% It was scary But it also got me into the habit of opening myself up to really caring Even though, I went into this blindly and opened myself ...