You do not get to blame her for why she turned cold
That stems off of always forgiving you while you continue to hurt her
For always smiling while in tears & telling you it’s okay for another mistake you made
You do not get to blame her for why she shuts you out
It comes from being tired of trying to open up to you and you closed your doors on her
You do not get to blame her for her new beauty
She started finding herself after losing herself with you & to you
She grew tired of telling you to love her
She outgrew you
She grew into herself
She breathed herself in & let herself be her
The clothes that showed off her legs, enhanced her breasts, outlined her curves
The clothes she didn’t believe she could wear due to you doubting her, insulting her because of your fears..
Those clothes she fit perfect
All the compliments that she wanted to hear from you
The mooneyed looks she expected to get from you
All the goods she got from herself not you
So you don’t get to blame her for becoming independent
You don’t get to blame her for her happy weight gain
You don’t get to blame her for her strong attitude
Above all you don’t get to blame her for outgrowing you
But what you can blame her for is her not seeing she deserves better than you sooner
But by the time you realize that you should’ve changed
She won’t be there for the blame